Employer of Record EOR healthcare

Transforming Healthcare Staffing: The Impact of EOR Services

The healthcare industry is one of the largest industries that contribute significantly to the global economy. According to a report by ibisworld, this industry has contributed $5.53 trillion to the global economy and ranks second based on the estimated revenue in 2024. Despite its significance, the sector has faced substantial challenges, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic. This industry has learned how to streamline administrative operations, enhance various services and staffing surplus for an unexpected mishap, and this evolution has been a result of the growing need for Employer of Record services.
6 Sep, 2024
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Employee Investment Declaration – What Could Be Solution for Employer

The call from the accounts office or HR seeking details on tax savings committed for the current fiscal year is one
21 Dec, 2021
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Payroll in Finland: Employing in the World’s Happiest Nation

Finland — officially the happiest place on Earth (for three years in a row, don’t you know). Hardly surprising either,
8 Nov, 2021
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Payroll in Japan: Employing in One of the World’s Most Successful Nations

Japan is a hub of quality and innovation. The Japanese market’s global outlook and willingness to invest in viable
5 Nov, 2021
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TopSource Worldwide Shortlisted for Global Payroll Awards

TopSource Worldwide is delighted to have been selected for not one but two categories at this year’s Global Payroll
14 Oct, 2021
  • Employer of Record
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Noted: Key Considerations for Expanding into Canada

You’d expect a country dubbed the ‘start-up mecca to rival Silicon Valley’ to boast a wealthy, high-tech industrial
8 Oct, 2021
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Payroll and Tax Considerations for Hybrid Working

Gone are the days of spending five days a week in the office. If the past year and a half has taught us anything, it’s
8 Oct, 2021
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